403-453-0108 haiticalgary@shaw.ca

 The Haitian association of Calgary is having a presentation about the struggle for change in post-earthquake Haiti’s
history by Dr. Marylynn Steckley, professor at Western University in Ontario.
The presentation is starting at 7 PM sharp on Saturday Feb 20, 2016 at 1709-8 Ave NE
(EvergreenTheatre in Mayland Heights community).

The event is $10.00 adult and $ 5.00 for kids over 6 years old.

There will be a party after the presentation


Marylynn Steckley is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Western University in the
Department of Geography. She explores Haiti’s agriculture and food systems,
including dietary aspirations, agro-exports, and the challenges of rural
development. In 2014, Marylynn was one of five winners in the Storytellers
Competition for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s Impact
Awards. Her doctoral research also inspired a recent episode of CBC Radio’s
Ideas, Just Trying to Help.

In this talk, Marylynn presents legacies of the colonial period and, in
particular, the connection between race, class, and food. While she
emphasizes that persistent ‘race’ and class based social hierarchies, and
ongoing exploitation from foreign actors (NGOS and private businesses alike)
are still undermining the Haitian poor in troubling ways, there is reason
for hope. The promise of the Haitian Revolution – for liberty, equality and
fraternity – is still palpable among Haiti’s peasantry. Today, peasant
struggles for autonomy, dignity and healthy food systems offer meaningful
possibilities for social change.